
Changes to my study programme

  I am currently in my fourth year of Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources and I think that this career and the different subjects that are in the study programme are focused on training professionals capable of adapting to the different areas that exist within the labor field that the career has. In addition, I believe that teamwork is something that is practiced a lot in this career. Within the labor field there is a great diversity of jobs that one can perform as an engineer in Renewable Natural Resources, since one could go for the more humanistic side of the career and work with communities within municipalities or through the Ministry of the Environment or could work in research and conservation of flora and fauna or towards hydrology. I feel that the courses offered by the programme study at the time I enrolled at the University gave you the tools to know and have knowledge of many professional areas, which gave you the opportunity to learn different subjects and see which

Time travel in the future

  If I had the possibility to travel in time I would travel a few million years in the future, the first reason is because I believe that the near future won’t be so promising if we as humans don’t make changes in our systems. The second reason why I would travel to a quite distant future is because I would like to see how the Earth would work in that time, if perhaps it will be dominated by aliens or some other animal how survived the disaster that we are going to leave and now this animal is who dominates the planet Earth. Or perhaps as a species we escaped from the planet Earth and now we have a space city, which is travelling planet by planet? I feel that the possibilities about a very distant future depend a lot on how we as humans evolve as a society and how we use the technology we acquire to make our stay on planet Earth more durable and at the same time friendly to planet Earth and the environment. In any of the cases mentioned above, I think the most interesting thing is


Due to the pandemic, I have put aside the hobbies I used to did, but when the covid wasn’t real, I was scout until I was 21 years old but unfortunately I am no longer part of the movement. Despite this, in the bottom of my heart I know that someday I will return because some know, once a scout always a scout.   I also enjoy biking and trekking very much. This year with my brother we have had the possibility to mix these two activities and we have climbed several hills by bike, but I have to say that I prefer much more to climb them on foot, because when I go down by bike I think I'm going to die sometimes. In spite of the difficult situation that has been adapting to the pandemic life, I have used this time to learn things a little more calm and relaxed. I learned to play guitar and I really enjoy writing the things that are happening in my mind to clear my head. I also spend a lot of time (sometimes more than I should) watching anime series.

My best holidays

I think that the best vacations I have experienced were the last ones before the pandemic, where I had the opportunity to travel the Carretera Austral, an adventure vacation. Here I had the opportunity to visit towns like Puyuhuapi, Coyhaique, Cochrane, Tortél, Puerto Rio Tranquilo, Futaleufú, among others. Before starting the southern road, I took a plane to Punta Arenas, where I took a bus to Puerto Natales to visit the Torres del Paine where I trekked for 10 days. All the travelling were   40 days where I be able to know diferent people that made my road so much better. I´m so grateful about the people I know from that vacation. When I arrived to Punta Arenas I was travelling with my friend Josefa until we arrived at Cochrane, after that I started to traveled alone until Puerto Montt. From Cochrane to Puerto Montt I was lucky to meet people who accompanied me and taught me in so many different ways, from sleeping on the side of the road waiting for somebody to pick us to rafting in